2024 Commencement Speaker

Information on UNE's 2024 Commencement Speaker is coming soon.

Previous Commencement Speakers

  • 2023: Ronald A. Crutcher, D.M.A., president emeritus of Wheaton College and the University of Richmond, national leader in higher education, distinguished classical musician
  • 2022: Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D., social psychologist at New York University's Stern School of Business
  • 2021: Nirav D. Shah, M.D., J.D., director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • 2019: Honorable Janet T. Mills, Governor of Maine
  • 2018: Catherine A. Sanderson, Ph.D., Manwell Family Professor of Life Sciences (Psychology), Amherst College
  • 2017: Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, President of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
  • 2016: Dr. Robert Michael Franklin, Jr., James T. and Berta R. Laney Professor of Moral Leadership at Emory University, Director of the Religion Department of the Chautauqua Institution
  • 2015: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, President/CEO, Goodwill Industries of Northern New England 
  • 2014: Gregory W. Powell, J.D., CEO/President of Dexter Enterprises, Inc, & Chairman of the Harold Alfond Foundation
  • 2013: Honorable Angus King (I), U.S. Senator, Maine
  • 2012: Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D)
  • 2011: Congressman Michael Michaud (D)
  • 2010: Harvey V. Fineberg, M.D., Ph.D., President of the Institute of Medicine
  • 2009: Rita Colwell, Ph.D., Nationally-respected Scientist and Educator
  • 2008: John McKernan, Former Governor of Maine
  • 2007: Robert Shetterly, Maine Artist and Author
  • 2006: Joan Benoit Samuelson, Olympic Gold Medalist
  • 2005: Olympia J. Snowe, United States Senator, Maine
  • 2004: Henry L. P. Schmelzer, President and CEO Maine Community Foundation
  • 2003: Henry L. P. Schmelzer, President and CEO Maine Community Foundation
  • 2002: Daniel Wathen, Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Court
  • 2001: Congressman Tom Allen, U.S. Congressman, Maine
  • 2000: Robert McAfee, Former President of the American Medical Association, UNE Board of Trustees member
  • 1999: Susan Collins, U.S. Senator, Maine
  • 1998: Richard MacPherson
  • 1997: Marvin Wachman, Ph.D.
  • 1996: Olympia Snowe, U.S. Senator, Maine 
  • 1995: Judith Isaacson
  • 1994: Rev. John Brooks
  • 1993: Thomas Andrews
  • 1992: Dorothy Cotton
  • 1991: Marie Gadsden, Ph.D.
  • 1990: George Mitchell 
  • 1989: Andrew McGuire
  • 1988: Dr. David Matthews
  • 1987: Dodge Morgan
  • 1986: Douglas Edwards
  • 1985: Assoc. Justice Caroline D. Glassman, Maine Supreme Judicial Court
  • 1984: Honorable Joseph E. Brennan, Governor of Maine
  • 1983: Arthur Elliott Levine, Ph.D., President, Bradford College (Bradford, MA)
  • 1982: James Russell Wiggins, Editor and Publisher, Ellsworth American
  • 1981: Honorable William S. Cohen, U.S. Senator, Maine
  • 1980: William J. Caldwell, Columnist, Portland Press Herald & Maine Sunday Telegram
  • 1979: F. Stephen Larrabee, Ph.D., National Security Council
  • 1978: Benjamin M. Ziegler, Ph.D., Educator, Amherst College
  • 1977: Honorable Sherry Huber
  • 1976: Dr. Elsa M. Meder
  • 1975: Dr. Scott Nearing, Economist, Farmer, and Author
  • 1974: Reverend Paul C. Reinert, President, St. Louis University
  • 1973: Dr. Kenneth E. Eble
  • 1972: Dr. Richard Weigle, President, Saint John’s College (Annapolis, Maryland)
  • 1971: The Honorable Kenneth M. Curtis
  • 1970: The Honorable James L. Farmer, A.B., B.D., Assistant Secretrary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
  • 1969: The Honorable Frank Licht A.B., and L.L.D., Governor of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation
  • 1968: Mr. Edwin D. Canham, Editor-in-Chief, Christian Science Monitor
  • 1967: Dr. Donald M. MacKenzie, President, Park College (Parkville, Missouri)
  • 1966: Rev. Bernard Haring, Department of Religious Studies, Brown University
  • 1965: His Excellency The Most Reverand Ernest Primeau, Bishop of Manchester
  • 1964: Dr. John W. McDeVitt, Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus
  • 1963: Dr. Philip Lambert
  • 1962: Father Juvenal Lawlor
  • 1961: Rev. Edward V. Stanford
  • 1960: Reverend Msgr. Robert J. White
  • 1959: Mr. William B. Mahoney
  • 1958: Reverend Mark Franck
  • 1957: Dr. Harry Doyle
  • 1956: Reverend Kevin Kidd
  • 1955: Reverend Fernand Porter
  • 1954: His Excellency The Most Reverend Daniel J. Feeney